Monday, July 19, 2010

My first Summer Break: More than words...


It has been a longggg while since the last time I updated you, Mr. (Miss, hehe) blog. Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah. The countdown is over, since I'm now safely home, sweet home.. It's 19 July, hence one of the most memorable moments in my life has put a mark in my life diary 2 weeks ago..Thank You Allah, for making this a reality...Nor sweet words neither great poems could I say or recite, except for endless thanks and gratitude upon You..Alhamdulillah...

A 2-week duration seems to fly very fast, that I feel it's like only 2 days being here.. Having spent loads of time at home makes me a very 'reserved' person. huhu. And when people ask my mum, or rather my father; "Where's ur daughter Ema?" The schematic response would be "She spends a lot of her time sleeping". Such an honest answer :p Yes, I do admit that I was suffering from jetlag for about 1 week. And I would dare say nothing to comment on the other remaining week. *sigh* Perhaps it's another phase of jetlag, huhu. Sorry Ma, I know I didnt help you much so far....... You're the one who cooks, and serves the meals.. And it's you who always asks me what to eat, as if I could request any from you. Thanks Ma :))

I really loved the first few days when you spent some time with me, sharing things I missed before...and the part I like the most when you started the 'story' of our late beloved Grandma off..It was so touching, the way you made the storyline..and it was such a 'good' bedtime story that made me feel like going back to the past time, being there when that 'tragedy' occured. Oh I shouldnt say that, 'cos I certainly couldnt do so... Allah knows best.. The memories return when we talk about 'it', and share things related to 'it'....Thanks Mama.. *Al-Fatihah*

And the feelings when the first time I saw Ayah from the window of MAS flight that night, are something I couldnt even express here..It's something..Yes, something.. And the time when you hugged and kissed me...comforting me over all the sufferings I had, and all the sadness, sorrow and emptiness.... And when my tears became yours, I could feel the re-bonding..How I miss all that...Alhamdulillah, I should thank Him first, for all the blessings He gives...

And thanks..for keep listening to me..hehe.. - Thanks for making things easier when you told Ayah about 'that'.. ;-) -

Thank You Allah..Thank You Allah..Thank You Allah..
Please don't stop showering your blessings on us...Ameen..

"The longest a wife could survive without her husband is 4 months..and it can only stand for 8 months the maximum for a daughter to be away from her mother... (I made it , it's 10 months.. I survived until the 8th month and the last couple of months was....MISERABLE) huhu.." *this is merely my own-created theory*


Still spending time at home..until 23rd July...
And this is my plan..

23: Off to KL.
24: Spending time with Kak Gee & Ustaz
25: Meeting Wawa before her send-off to Jordan (with Ira)
26: Overnights at Mama's house
27-28: To Weda's house (IPBA plus KL 'tour')
29: Weda's or Mama's house?
30-2 Aug: Wonderful Overseas Weekend WOW (IluvIslam's Predeparture)
(31 July: Weddings in Ampang and Gombak InshaAllah try to make it)
2 Aug: Off to Lumut, Perak..Meeting sister & family.
4 Aug, maybe: home sweet home..

May Allah ease..

Having presented this to Mum, she said... "Kejapnye ema duk rumah.." *sedih*
InshaAllah I'll try my best to make this short stay as meaningful as I could InshaAllah.
Pray for me, jzkk ^^

Wslm :)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

4 Julai 2010

Especially for you...
Aunty Aza...
@ Mummy..

Sungguh, ema akan rindu all the sweet moments with you..

~ Jaga Foxy baik2..Bakal merindu bau dia yg best..hehe
~ Jangan minum air manis2 banyak sangat. hehe
~ Jangan tido lewat sangat.
~ Enjoy ur ramadhan with anak2 tersayang yang best d Kent..
~ May Allah ease everything..moga dpt good results and moga cepat2 siap labwork.. then boleh start write up.. InshaAllah.. :))
~ Selamat menghabiskan baca buku yg Hanana bagi.. *Ema bakal rindu..*
~ Semoga cepat2 'macho' (huhu)
~ Selamat selamat selamat. Doakan kami ya Aunty..
~ Thanks a lot ..
~ And..sorry for everything..

"Sungguh bahagialah org yg ikhlas hatinya utk beriman, mnjadikan hatinya pasrah, lisannya benar, jiwanya tenang, mnjadikan telinganya mndengar, & matanya melihat. Telinga merupakan corong, mata mnjdi pengakuan kpd apa yg telah dipelihara nanti.." (HR Ahmad) -Saatnya Kita Berangkat-

" Happy Belated Birthday, Mummy "

Semoga terus menjadi insan yang sentiasa disenangi di hati semua orang....InshaAllah, moga Allah merahmatimu..

Salam Sayang, Salam Rindu..

~ Nur Faizatul Ema ~

p/s: Saat2 akhir menggunakan internet kat sini..esok pagi2 dh nk berangkat.. *sangat takde mood nak abiskan terus esei nih..sebab takde org nak bebel kot.hehe*

Saturday, July 3, 2010

It's nearly there...


3 July 2010.
And it's 2 days left. :)

Just dropping by, leaving some words to get the mood of writing this final ah-sigh-ment.huhu. It's my so-called post-exam essay , in which I aimed to finish on 2 July but it turned not to happen so. Mmm. Maybe because I'm too 'busy' with forever-non-finished packing thingy (alasan). It's been a problem for me and friends to put our things everywhere we think possible to do so. Alhamdulillah we are done with half, or maybe 3/4 of packing personal and house stuffs and moving to our housing agents' office store. Lucky we are given the so-called store to put all the bulky bags and boxes in. Alhamdulillah, we appreciate it very much. All plates and glasses are packed, leaving us to practise the 'sunnah' (as what our Prophet did) to eat using 'talam' or 'dulang'. Hope this will strengthen our sisterhood (though I am sometimes off to UKC, staying overnight there) by having meals together using one 'big plate'.. InshaAllah..One thing I realise , reflecting myself, I don't enjoy cooking lately or in other words, malas ke dapur. Whether I myself am lazy or it's just the mood of going back home outweighs everything now.. huhu.. (alasan..) Sorry girls for being quite lazy. (as if before this I wasn't one.he).


I'm trying hard to become a very very patient person, bearing with things I HATE to do. That's what a LIFE is. Sometimes He just tests you by giving things you don't even dream about. Since I'm taking Egyptair, I need to make sure that my luggage doesn't exceed 20 kg. Heaven it was when I first travelled to the UK using MAS, with the Grads Card that allowed me to bring things as much as 30 kg, Alhamdulillah. Thanks KPM. :) But now it's a total different , apart from the fact that I need to buy the ticket myself, I also need to pack things all by myself..And the most unpleasant important part is the different weight limit for the luggage. Sigh. I have only got one final alternative: To ship all the extras ... Hoping that all will be fine.. Sabarlah menunggu sebulan lebih utk terima barang... huhu (Keluarga besar, banyaklah souvenir nye.tu pun belum tentu cukup.hehe)

And tonight..Again..PACKING. MOVING. Since we couldn't move to our new house until 7 July, we are in a dire need of other people's belas ihsan. hehe. Apa lagi, tumpang barang lah.. Alhamdulillah, some of them are here over the summer, and some go back a bit later than us, and the part we are most grateful for is that we have places to put the remaining things in: Duvets, pillows, some clothings, toiletries, cutleries etc..

22 September

Since we will only be back here on 22 September, we'll never have a chance to enjoy (hopefully) living in our new house. (tak duduk over the summer break pun, still kena bayar rent penuh. huhu. takdapat watpa..)

Annual International Education Conference

Alhamdulillah. I'm done with our University's big event..The Cutting Edges Education Conference. Being one of the voluntary team members gave me some opportunities to meet many 'educators' or academics from many parts of the world including HongKong, Taiwan as well as Malaysia. huhu. Basically the presentations were all about creativity in teaching. One of the best parts about the conference is that we had a chance to meet our lecturers from IPBA who were also presenting in the conference.. All they did was taking our hearts back to our beloved MALAYSIA.. =))

Exam results

At last, the Exam Board has confirmed our final exam results. It's a good news that no one has to come back to UK in early September for the referral paper. Alhamdulillah, all passed. :) These are all blessings from Him inshaAllah..

Happy Time

It's just that..........I can't wait to meet my family.... :))
Please pray for me and friends. Hope everything will be fine. Ameen.
May Allah ease and bless our journey...

I will also miss you, for sure, Canterbury! :)

Wassalam wbt.

p/s: That's all. Hope the mood remains. :)