Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The journey of the day..=)

The sun rises again!=)

Alhamdulillah...syukur, dah hbis kelas.huhu

Hari ini bermula dgn suatu kesedihan..aaahhh..
But alhamdulillah, nikmat kegembiraan itu masih ada, anugerahNya! Syukur!

In the class~

1.ICT: quite interesting, though i'm not fully prepared. Yearh, luv the way Carol handled the class. A very soft-spoken lady, whom i can say has the qualities of a good educator and a good mother!


Carol suddenly looked at me! n she smiled.=)

"yes, it's autumn now...he.." what a sweet smile she gave to me..

2.PHOTOSHOOT SESSION: pretending like a model, keep smiling under the bright sun. Photo for the ministry of education (mlsia) n for the uni magazine.done.

Having lunch wif frens n a follow-up of photoshoot..(ish..tak abes2.hihi)

4. LITERARY ANALYSIS: Had to change my thinking hat..huh..shakespeare! Poem analysing.
Alhamdulillah, the day is gone! Hoping for better days onwards.ameen..~
p/s: Ayah, i miss u...you started my day!

Monday, September 28, 2009

the sun rising!

good day!
tick tock tick tock.
stop it, please!
shudnt say that
slow it down, please..
impossible la~
the pro n cons of having too long hols
maybe the 'too' shudnt be there
o, self!
frens, help me!
o self, help ur self first!
hoping for a better day.
sorry self.
reali sorry.
pity u.
*penyakit lama datang balik daa~o, mama i need u! Allah, give me strength!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kenangan terindahhh...

Bila yang tertulis untukku adalah yang terbaik untukmu..Kan kujadikan kau kenangan yang terindah dalam hidupku..Namun takkan mudah bagiku meninggalkan jejak hidupku yang tlah terukir abadi sebagai kenangan yang terindah...
Firstly, thanx a lot, for the one who had introduced this song to me..though it is not the music that i normally love, it does bring meaningful lines...
The above lines, indeed very touching..n carry great meaning to me..owh, how i miss the golden moments! How i wished that time could be turned back! IMPOSSIBLE.
People say, we only appreciate things to the fullest only when we lose them. I must agree with them. Cos i feel that it is very easy-at-mouth, to say that we do love our beloveds..we do appreciate them..but how much do we do??? Personallly referring myself, i cud only answer that when I lose things that I like, people whom i luv the most..
Regretting past times is bad, or i shud say not gud..but not to say not gud at all..to regret as in to improve ourselves in the future, is something we shud do. owh.how i regret the moments which had gone!the moments whe i shud have used to the fullest with them..n wif her..O Allah..only You know the best.
O self, please, please n please..please appreciate all what u have now..U r very lucky, self..to have all these in life! Syukr lillah..Alhamdulillah..
Hey there. Listen to me. Do appreciate whatever u get in life. Cos it may not come again in some other times. Believe me, that God has given u the best. the best for u. O Allah, how Just You are..

Monday, September 21, 2009

Absence makes the heart grow fonder!


20:05, 21 Sep, 2nd day of Eid 2009..

Alhamdulillah, yesterday, we had a great eid celebration at kak liza n family's house (one of Malaysian family, living in canterbury) and our lecturer's, John, house. Sedikit terubat kerinduan beraya di Malaysia bersama family...yet, it's still not the same..how I miss my mum,my father, my siblings, my nephews, my niece, my cousins, my aunts, my uncles...and of course my beloved late grandma sooooo much!!!Ya Allah..='(
To mingle with frens is one of the ways to get rid of the sadness and the homesickness i am suffering from. Thanx my dear frens, especially my lovely housemates.. (i guess u guys pun, kat luar je hepi, dlm hati, sape tau..kan???)Today is the first day being in the university. One week had gone, how I wish time will fly even faster! The first class with Antonia and Carol was quite relaxing n nothing very serious took place. Not to say that the introduction of the Language Awareness subject was not important, but the way both of them started it all was quite something-that-we-like, since we had a very long holiday right after the final exam las time! (not ready to say that i'm ready for a 'lecture'!huhu..) but, InsyaAllah, I will. Ganbatte kudasai!!!
p/s:Buat family n kawan2, doakan saya di sini ya..syukran..

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Huzn itu masih bersarang..

0818, 19 September (1520 waktu Malaysia)


Pagi ini kutersedar dgn kesedihan yg masih bersarang di hati. Kepala dirasakan amat berat. Panas. Amat kontra dgn udara di luar yang sejuknya agak mencengkam. Ya Allah. moga hari ini lebih baik dari semalam...

Kumasih merinduinya! Amat merinduinya! Ya Allah, sampaikan salam rinduku buatnya...Moga rohnya bersemadi dengan tenang di sana..Setenang pagi Jumaat yang hening di saat pemergiannya...Al-Fatihah...
Aku tidak kan berdaya, menahan hibanya rasa...kau pergi meninggalkan diriku....

"Allahummaghfirlala, warhamha, wa'afiha, wa'fu 'anha.."

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ya Allah tabahkan aku..


Alhamdulillah..kalimah yang tidak mungkin terluput dari hatiku, insyaAllah..

"Titisan air mata, menyubur cinta..dan rindu pun berbunga..mekar tidak pernah layu, damainya hati..yang dulu resah keliru..."

Today is the 5th day being in Canterbury. Missing my beloveds in Malaysia soo much! O Allah, please take good care of them..amin. As days go by, I learn many new thing about English people here. Still remember the first day when i was walking on the street with frens, a mat salleh guy..
This entry is stopped here, had been saved as a draft this morning, due to some reasons.
20:35, 18 Sep 2009, Friday.
while waiting for the azan of Isya'.
Astaghfirullah, forgive me ya Allah..Kuatkan hatiku.
Pagi ini diriku dikejutkan pada jam 4 pagi. Ketenangan menyelinap dalam hatiku.Alhamdulillah, permulaan hari yg paling baik setakat ni, selama 4-5 hari aku berada di bumi UK. Alhamdulillah, hanya Engkau yang tahu ya Allah, apa yang kurasa. Suatu ketenangan....
Selepas Subuh hatiku tibe2 tersentuh. Kurasakan suatu yg amat aneh..Rasa rinduu yang teramat pada keluargaku di kampung. Ya Allah...mimpi buruk itu mulai menghantuiku..Nauzubillah...Ya Allah, kembalikan ketenangan itu...
Pagi hariku berlalu dgn penuh sayu bercampur bahagia. Suatu perasaan yg tidak tergambar dgn kata2. Sayu. tp bahagia.juga sedih.aahh..
Usai bersolat zohor, aku keluar bersama kawan2, plannye nk ke kedai baju.but atas sbb tertentu, cancel. prgi supermarket je, cari barang2 dapur..
Alhamdulillah..jam 4 lbh kami pulang.aku melngkah kakiku meniti anak2 tangga menuju ke tingkat atas, ke bilikku. Sebaik sahaja sampai di depan pintu, satu mesej masuk ke handsetku.. Kumemilih untuk me'unlock' bilik dahulu before mesej dibuka. Sweater ditanggalkan, beg yg kusandang diletak di atas katil.
Unlock hp. buka inbox.from my cs dayah..
" Slm ema..hrp bersabar & tabah.kami ad brta, mok tlh kembali ke rahmatullah jam 730pg td..(jumaat, waktu Malaysia)...alhamdulillah arwah pergi dengan tenang sekali & urusan jenazah bjln lancar..sblom solat jumaat dh selesai..td, kami memakaikan arwah kain sembahyang yg bertanda nama "ema"..jgn bersedih, sedekahkan alfatihah & ayat2 suci kepada arwah..arwah dikebumikan bersebelahan dgn arwah tok che'..alfatihah, redha lh dgn pemergian arwah."
Ya Allah!!!!serta merta aku terduduk. tak terkata. Air mata tumpah tanpa boleh dihentikan. Astaghfirullah. Berat sungguh ujian ini.YA Allah, maafkan aku andai tanpa sedar aku merintih atas pemergiannya..Tanpa berlengah ku telefon keluarga di kampung. bagaikan suatu petir yg meyambar hati ini.phone bertukar tgn, suara2 yg berlainan menenangkanku dari jauh..Allahhh...
Kawan2 masih di tingkat bawah...lama aku menangis sendirian..dgn suara ibu dari jauh cuba menenangkanku. Kekesalan yang amat kerna tidak dapat melihat wajah nenek di saat2 terakhir hayatnya..astaghfirullah! kau lebih tahu ya Allah..
sepanjang hari ini..tiada lain dalam benak fikiranku. segala saat yg aku lalui bersama nenek disaat2 sblum berangkat ke cni, terus-terusan menemani kesedihanku. Gambar di skrin laptop ditenung lama2..Tudung labuh putih yag kuhadiahkan buat nenek sempena raya,n dah siap kugosok, mungkin tak sempat dipakainya, dan menjadi hadiah terakhir dariku buatnya...Juadah terakhir bersamanya juga akan kukenang..masih ingt time arwah mengidam bubur lambuk, alhamdulillah, sempat kutunaikan..masih ingat, air matanya yg tumpah saat aku memeluk ciumnya buat kali terakhirr..masih terngiang2 suaranya yg sentiasa basah dgn ayat2 suci al-quran..ya Allah.n kenangan terus bermain..Sampailah tertidur..dan dikejutkan untuk berbuka puasa..
Juadah buka puasa yg amat menyelerakan bagaikan tiada makna..(syukran sahabat2..). Gelak tawa kwn2 seakan menghiburkan hati,namun hanya sekejap.air mata tetap tumpah tanpa diri ini sedar..YA Allah..
Maghrib kali ini agak sayu bagiku..Kalimah sucinya menjadi pengubat hati ini...Allah, aku sedekahkan tilawah ini buatnya..
Allahummaghfirlaha warhamha wa'afiha wa'fu anha..amin ya Allah..moga rohnya dicucuri rahmatMu yang tak sudah..dan ditempatkan bersama org2 beriman..amin.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kembara Diteruskan...


Salam 'alayk...

Alhamdulillah, segala puji-pujian hanya layak bagiNya! Thanx Allah, for everything You gave me all this while.

On the 14th of September, my journey has been continued to face a new unexpectable 'world' of mine. Living in the UK is something that has never come into thoughts even once in my life, until i 'involve' in this TESL course in Year 2007. Yet, i wasn't in the comfort zone of thinking about furthering my studies abroad, until the Final Examinations results were informed. Only one thing which always remains in my heart and mind, that Allah knows the best for me. Whatever happens, i must accept it.And now, alhamdulillah! I made it, n of cos, with the help from You, My Lord! Thank You..
A new journey has already begun and of all many things I should have been prepared with is a ready-to-face-a-new-enviroment mentality. Being in the new minority group of Muslims in Canterbury is sort of challenging- with no seniors in such a white-concentrated area. However, i do feel lucky since our place is not too far from London, where we can see many Malaysian faces. Tell u what, u wud be extremely happy n excited when u meet any Malaysian in your new not-used-to-live place, though they are the people whom u never have met and known before. Likewise what had happened to me n some frens on the day we arrived at the London Heathrow Airport. It's quite an exciting shock to have heard someone (working at the airport) asking us something in Malay! Then only I realise how I love Malaysia n its people~
"You brought the rain from Malaysia!"
That was what our new lecturer John said since the time we arrived at our university halls, it's raining quite heavily and the same happened on the second day. Yearh John, we are proud, anyway, to bring that souvenir from Malaysia!hehe~ Something that we all must adapt with is the weather and climate in Canterbury. The air is too cold for us though it's only in the end of summer! and the wind even can make us frozen! (exaggeration.hehe) Oh Allah, how great You are of creating all these! Alhamdulillah, 'ala kulli haal..
Alhamdulillah. I start to fall in love with my new place. It's not too far from the city centre and we can only get there by foot! and a seven-minute walk (approximately) can bring us to a supermaket where we can get many things there- Halal British Chicken, curry leaves and even the ginger! Alhamdulillah..
That's enough of sharing a little with u..Looking forward to spend gud time with academic as well as social needs here. Pray for me and frens here.
"Ya Allah, kuatkan hati kami semua. Tetapkanlah kami pada jalanMu yang lurus..Amin.."

p/s : to my family, not to worry coz I'm just fine here- gud tutors, gud frens, cosy home & safe city. InsyaAllah. Do pray! (^_^)

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Salam buat semua..

People say that time is gold, coz time is very precious. Some say time is money, coz time is as valuable as money. And some always say that time is life. LIFE. Such a big word which I really love to think about, and always I do. When talking about life, for sure it involves everything. Ourselves, family, friends, happiness, bliss, sadness, troubles, miracles, success, failures, relationships and the list goes on. Life is something unexpectable, coz what happens in life is not under our control and the power is with Him, always with Him, the Almighty. Every single moment in life is actually based on what He has determined to happen. Yet we still have a chance, or I should say even more than one chance, to always pray to Him. Just believe that there is always a glimmer of hope in life. Prayers happen to be a speciality to those who have faith and trust in Allah, so we should use that as our great weapon, especially when we are in troubles. Let us pray n humbly ask for a hoped-for life. Amen.

To be 'grateful' is an easy-to-say word, isn't it? Answering it myself, yes. Similarly, it is easy to advise people to be patient, especially in facing hardships in life. "Just be patient, there's always a sunshine after a rain". Huh. Sounds like a cliche, but the fact is there. As a slave of the Great Creator of human beings, we should always keep that in mind. Every single thing that we face and go through in life happens for a reason, and only Him knows that. Yes, He knows the best. The only thing we should do is to accept anything happens to be as a part of our lives. Put our entire trust in Allah, and His helps will come even from unknown sources. Allah is Great!

Everything always comes in pairs. Love and hatred. Happy and sad. Success and failure. Good and bad. Heaven and hell. Black and white. And that is what life is all about. Life is meaningless without any test from Him, I believe. O Lord, give me strength!

"And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent." (65:3)

~ Alhamdulillah! I'm very grateful to You, for giving me a LIFE.

La takhof wa la tahzan!

Bismillah..Dengan namaMu..

"Duhai hati, la tahzan, jgn kamu bersedih! Duhai hati, be strong!Duhai hati, tabahlah! Ingatlah wahai hati, jika kamu lemah, maka tuanmu juga akan lemah! Jika kamu goyah, maka tuanmu juga akan goyah! Maka duhai hati yang kuat, menjadi kuatlah kamu, kerna perananmu amat besar! Duhai hati yang lembut, kelembutanmu bukan suatu kelemahan, malah suatu keistimewaan! Namun dengan hati yang lembut itu, jangan kau cuba untuk menjadi lemah!"

Kesedihan itu suatu ni'mat. Anugerah Allah buat hamba-hambaNya yang terpilih. Manusia dengan hati yang kering, mana kan bisa merasa sedih. Tersentuh, amat jauh sekali. Maka syukurlah dengan ni'mat perasaan yang Allah anugerahkan buat kita. Dengan adanya perasaan, kita boleh merasa bahagia, gembira, seronok, mahupun sedih, sayu dan belas. Alhamdulillah,syukur, Maha Suci Allah yang menciptakan PERASAAN. Maka jangan kita berasa kesal jika hati kita bersedih. Dalam kesedihan juga, terselit seribu hikmah dan rahmat. Mungkin tersembunyi. Dalam keadaan sedihlah, kita akan kembali padaNya (biasanya). Ya. Itu benar. Siapa lagi yang paling hebat untuk mendengar rintihan manusia jika bukan Penciptanya? Maka wahai hati yang bersedih, mengadulah padaNya. Dia maha mendengar suaramu. Bersyukurlah juga dengan kehadiran insan2 istimewa dalam hidupmu, kerna mereka juga adalah tanda rahmat dariNya..Bersyukurlah wahai hati, ucapkanlah kalimah hamdalah yang agung itu! Alhamdulillah!
~La Tahzan ya Qolbi!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Finally.......I'm done!!!

Salam 'alayk!

Alhamdulillah! Thank You Allah..Thank You for everything! Very grateful to You.Alhamdulillah..

Finally, I'm done! I hv struggled much for days, trying extremely hard to make it..huh. (exaggeration lebih.hehe). It is sumthing amazing for me, to have completed the 'luggaging', at last.hehe. Thank You for those who motivated me! My mum, my sis, my special fren/frens..he..Thank You so much..Thanx ZZ for the 'petua panjang lebar'..Thanx Triple F for the updated version of checklist..Thank You Ira my dear, for always keep reminding me about packing.huhu. N not to forget, special thanx to you..(^_~)

Yet..still have to redo the checking..InsyaAllah..hopefully it wil be completely done before I leave my last step at home..my home sweet home. ='(

Ok..Just can't keep it wif me alone, willingly I share about this wif u, my beloved blog visitors..Hope God will help u in everything u do in life. God bless u all, insyaAllah!

"Allahumma yassir umuurona Ya Allah..abadan abadaa.."

Monday, September 7, 2009


..Salam 'alayk..

Selamat bersahur.
Selamat berpuasa.
Selamat berbuka.
Selamat berterawih.
Jom.hari ni kita blaja masak sket, nak?Just sharing!
haa..nak share how to make TomYam..my favourite nih!(^_^)

(Untuk makan 1 family, dalam 3,4 mangkuk saiz sederhana.(main agak je nih.hehe.kalu larat, makan sorang pun bleh.hehe)


- 5 ulas bawang putih
- 1/2 camca besar blended chilli
- 2 paket perencah TomYam ADABI
- 6 batang serai (lebih pun takpe)
- 4 biji limau nipis (ambil jusnya)
- 1 helai daun limau purut
- Garam secukup rasa
- Gula (secubit pun jadi kot)
- Udang/ayam/daging
- Sayur ( Cauliflower, cabbage, tomato, carrot, etc.)


1. Tumis bawang putih yang sudah diketuk bersama cili (cili kering) kisar.
2. Masukkan air, didihkan. sambil2 tu, masukkan garam, gula secukup rasa+ perencah tomyam.
3. Masukkan daun limau purut dan serai yang telah diketuk.
4. Masukkan daging/ayam/udang. Biarkan sehingga masak.
5. Masukkan sayur (kecuali tomato)
6. Tutup api. Masukkan tomato yang telah dipotong 4 + jus limau nipis.
7. Siap untuk dihidang!

Huhu..macam senang je kan? Patotla ade org ckp senang nk wat tOmyam nih..sebab dah ade perencah segera, n nak buatnye, main campak2 je..hehe..

Eh,,ni ape plak ni? ermm..macam tempura je.tapi versi Malaysia.he. Name saintifik je tempura tu. Name kampung ye, Udang Celup Tepung. (^_^)

Cara wat udang goreng tepung ni, senang je. Paling senang, beli tepung tempura segera kat supermarket. N kalu nk tunjuk bakat, wat sendiri je. bancuh tepung beras+serbuk kunyit+air kapur sket (kalu bnyak, pahit)+garam. Celup udang yg dah bersih dalam tepung yang dah dibancuh tadi, then goreng..Siap!

haa..ni ikan goreng tepung. Cara2 nk wat udang tadi, also applicable for this..
Ok..setakat tu saje.
p/s 1: Rasanya, resepi Tomyam tu, dah lame Radin minta, but..tak sempat bg. N now,rasanya mesti radin dah terer masak kan.huhu.Sory dear.
p/s 2: Resepi campak2, berguna juga ya!hehe

Sunday, September 6, 2009

...a TriBuTe...


" Sayangilah yang berada di bumi, dan kamu akan disayangi oleh yang berada di langit..."

I do luv my family so much. N of cos, u do luv yours, rite?
Writing a tribute to them, the ones whom I love so much n indeed very important in my life..
Let me start..


- very caring n loving
- very responsible
~~mse kecik2, kami adik beradik ngade2 nk g skul ngn beskal sbb tgk kwn2 cam best je, cycling ramai.but....ayh tak bagi, katanya jln raya sibuk!bhye!
~~my mum 'story' to us, a.long penah jatuh katil mse kecik2, then, solutionnye, katil tu ayah simpan.takyah pakai katil, nk elak accident.huhu
~~a.long penah jatuh pokok, then ayah terus tebang pokok tu. pokok jambu yg kecik je.huhu
~~kecik2, mse tadika, still ingt..my father yg akan sediakan berus gigi+toothpaste siap, nk pujuk mndi pagi2 nk g skul.
~~rasanya cam tak penah kene pukul ngn ayah.
~~ayah agak cpt tersentuh hatinya..

My Mama

-very caring n loving
-very responsible
-very motherly, of cos.
-pandai cooking!
-bnyk pengorbanannya..(mestila kan..)


-as the eldest one, ye sgt caring, responsible
-lawak gak kadang2.huhu
-pandai layan bebudak (sanggup tak tido,layan si sofea yg forever nk org bergurau ngn ye.hehe)
-tegas jugak..dulu mse kecik2, takut gak.huhu


-pandai masak..tapi bab mengemas brg2 masak, ye buli adik2.hehe. tp now, dah kawin, len la sket.
-dulu tak suke budak2, but now, dah ade anak sendiri, otomatik jadi mama penyayang.huhu
-mse baby2 dulu, ye suke nangis


-sejak dulu memang pandai jage budak..n now dah ade anak sendiri.
-erm, pandai gak memasak.
-garang gak sket.huhu

-bab masak, ntahla.huhu. but spagetti ye sedap jugak!!
-bab2 seni, bagi kat dia. jahit2 manik kat baju ke, kemas2 ke, pandai. (but a bit lz.huhu.sabar2.relaks kak.hehe)
-kadang garang gok..sy pun tkut.he.
-senang bebenor nk terlelap, everywhere je.hihi
-ye klon muke nenek belah ayah.he

-oppss..tak yah cite..

-Dulu tak suke ye, sbb takleh jd kawan sgt, nk adik pmpuan.
-but, after duk jauh mse form 4, dah sdr yg diri ni syg kt adik.huhu
-erm..ramai kawan kt kg.
-ayah su yg pandai layan anak2 buah..he

now..nk cite pasal anak2 buah plak...


-anak kak ida..
-mase mule2 lahir muke cam bby jepun.ptih n cm bby girl.but now, jd len da.berubah..huhu
-bab nangis, suara ye plg kuat.sakit telingee.. (ikot mama mse kecik kot..)
-cucu sulung belah mama n papa ye.


-mse lahir, kecik je, 2kilo lbeh.but now, ye lbh bulat drp darwisy..
-muke ikot abah mse kecik, hidung ikot ummi ye.hehe
-kecik2 dah pandai mrjuk..huh.
-best fren ye, tokki ye la..huhu.pantang tgk my ayah, or dgr suara ayah.mcm magnet!


-kecik comey.
-sengih sokmo..tapi suara jarang keluar.but bile da start enjin, kuat juga.hehe
-ikot muke moyang ye kot..chinese.
-sgt suke main ngn papa ye..huh.sampai tak tido mlm la a.long..

ok2..enough. panjang lak cte nye..hehe. Just introducing my beloveds. bnyk lagi pasal mereka, but tak terdaya nk bgtau sume.sy syg sume family sy..trm kasih atas segala jasa n pengorbanan kalian.moga Allah pelihara kalian semua.amin..

p/s 1: a.long n kakak2, nk tmbah baby, wait for ciksu k? after 3 yrs at least.hehe.
p/s 2:my dear cs dayah, dun get married until i'm home.huhu. tapi kalu dah smpai jodoh, nk wat cmne..uhuk2.
p/s 3: trmkasih juga buat mama n abah..luv both of u.hope to c u again.

KembaraSufi's 7Eleven

Peace be upon you...

Nothing extra-ordinary in mind to be shared with u, readers. But just drop by my own imaginary world, leaving a step here. Just a quick saying to myself " Be prepared of what is gonna happen next!" huh. Sounds quite alarming. n indeed, it's meant to me, myself. (plus to anyone who seems to have the same feeling.)

To be ready of anything- I think it is a mentality that everyone should have. If not, the effects of 'something bad' which happen to make us suffer, would be more terrible n may make us even weaker. Oh Lord, the strength is from You! I'm praying hard, that You make my heart 'stronger' n more firm..Ameen..

Just leaving one of my steps here..dropping some words of mine.got to go. see u next time!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Let's call it a day!

Contact MSL
..not to worry madam..
A call fr MSL
invalid postal order~careless!
bank in
pakcik maybank~terlebih bank in
Contact MSL
"may I speak to Ms. Usha, please.."
*credit to my father n Ms Usha..

Alhamdulillah.Again, thank you Allah, for helping me a lot yesterday. Allahumma yassir umuurii..permudahkan urusanku ya Allah..amen.

**MSL@MSL Travel : yg menguruskan ISIC (international students Identity Card) application.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

nig nog=weng weng.cam sama je..hehe

Salam buat semua.. (^_^)

Wut a great ' strentgh' that I need to have settled all the crucial matters down!huh. but still, I hv not done all! My mum keeps reminding me of doing checking and packing. the prob is I hv not reached the maximum excitement to do all those jobs. not to bluff here, but i feel so jealous upon hearing that some of my frens have done their packing, n some siap timbang lagi. congrats anyway, to all of 'em!

PACKING. one word that i hate since a long time ago.(mcm lame sgt je.he). i keep on doing the same job since i was in form four, n no one knows when it'll meet a full stop in my life. (ceh, mcm susah sgt packing tu kan?he). to tell others 'bout ur weakness is not reali advisable, but it's a fact that i'm not reali into packing things and doing 'luggaging'. that's me. maybe i should get sumone, just for that job, rite?anyone?he..it's been my habit to pack all things inside my bag/luggage as latest as I cud, (used to do that right before i left d house to board a bus.huh.n only me know wut happened.he).it's so me. my mum, of cos does noe dat.

so now, i have to set my aim. starting tomorrow, kene setelkan ape yg belum setel, selagi mmpu. (sbnrnya tak bnyk sgt pun yg belum prepare, tp sbb mentally i'm not prepared, rasa cam bnyk je. cuak amat.huh.)

.ok2.enough! moga luahan ni jadi motivasi ntok diri ni..insyAAllah. wassalam..

"oh, Tuhan, tunjukkan ku jalan........."
p/s: hye zz, miss ur voice muchy much.