Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hamdalah untukMu..



Terima kasih Allah, segala puji bagiMu..Alhamdulillah! Akhirnya ter hantar juga coursework Creative Drama. Essay paling panjang setakat nih..Biasanya pulun essay yg 1500-2000 words, tapi kali ni 3000++ words. Nak start punya la susah, sebab tak de semangat, malas nak paksa diri, takde pressure and whatsoever yg datangnya dr diri sendiri....Alhamdulillah, pulun punya pulun smbil2 berFB, berBlogging, tamatlah riwayat essay tu..Dah start, nak cari ending essay plak yg susah, yg biasanya ( di kalangan my friends pun) ending up dgn exceeding word limit.. n disebabkan terlebih words tu, biasa juga di kalangan kami main tipu2 no. of words kat cover page.. :p.

One down, 2 more to be submitted on 5 and 12 May..These will be on English Language Teaching Methodology and Literary Analysis.. Oh, I'm quite scared of the Lit. Analysis..*ngan ELT pun* Susah....Usaha, n Allah je yg tolong bg ilham nk menganalisa poem.. Maybe dh boleh start dh dr sekarang, even slow2 and sikit2 pun..hehe..*start baca rubrics je* hehe. May Allah ease..

That's all for now..Takde mood nak buat essay lagi..hehehehe..


Yg baru habis qadha' tidur,


SaljuSakura said...

ALhamdulillah...rehat sebentar before next essaiment coming..
moga Allah permudahkan..^^

Ilidina.. said...

5 and 12 may la ema..bukan july...hee..

Kembara Syahadah ~NFES~ said...

Slju sakura: alhmdulillah..Thanks.

Ili: Ayoookk..bukti ema masih weng2 mse tulis entry nih..hik hik.tenkiu..ok ema edit.. *malu~~